Notes for Dan's Omega Zoom Intuitive Making event     June 2021

Casual Alchemy  6.8.21         a “course plan”    omtchrs          Climate Changing  

The rush and pressure of modern life are a form, perhaps the most common form, of contemporary violence.

To allow oneself to be carried away by a multitude of conflicting concerns, to surrender to too many demands,

to commit oneself to too many projects, to want to help everyone in everything, is to succumb to violence.

The frenzy of our activity neutralizes our work for peace. It destroys our own inner capacity for peace. It

destroys the fruitfulness of our own work, because it kills the root of inner wisdom which makes work fruitful.” 

Thomas Merton    


WHAT’S? Happening?

It’s personal:   age stage, medical, political, spiritual, “standing”, visibility

Shifting WorldView: Each reveals different layer of reality; “I believe different things in different places”    Fedrico Fellini

Time   is changing: from chronos to *Kairos*  Slows Down, different frequency WAIT!  

Encounters w Disorder  Cognitive Kaleidoscope  Everything still there but jumbled-replaced-repositioned  less insulatedPickup new frequencies/ sm tear in mind fabric  more empathy, protected  

Each ordering we choose is seemingly a self-evident virtue until it is challenged  

Poignant encounters with just how much realities and physical space overlap and abrade at once

the urgent need/compulsion to rearrange those deck chairs       

Civility Membrane May Thinout, more gets through Archetypal energy ofMisanthrope, Scamp, Hermit

Astrological Movements

Emerging Archetypes   TRICKSTER/Scamp appears Time to Dismantle, Re Arrange, Re-Order 

HomoSpiritus is the attraction of the soul to God      QuakerInward Light    

Aging/Eldering            accelerated stages of dementia, erratic behaviors         Joan Halifax,Andy Fisher    

learning to live in twilight w dated and worn forms.     like my website      surrendrng uncertnty-embracng-mud         

Interests/Foci     Changing


Responses/Out    “discovering adjustments to personal sustainability

WHY?   To get more access to core themes, your psychic fuels, the Values that drive your actions  

HOW?   Two Word Answer: Play More Be Creatively out-of-control;   Trust Intuition

Like Boiling a Frog: incrementally move boundaries of ego out with regular contact w coincidence, accident, Kairos, Others and Nature  “Collaborate” = Merge, Dissolve, Emerge   

Honor Indirect Attention, different valence, nutrient mix from sharp limelight attention

Use noticing, casual attention. Avoid the Full Frontal approach see what develops

Try using more Organic language: terms from farming, gardening, cooking, words about the Body


1. Alone/ Quiet/ Still…in the moment                    feeling/watching         

En-Trance  encounters w Chance, Accident Wow of Now,     Deep Breath, Do a Body Scan

Recognize/Accept/Honor who you are                          It’s taken years to grow into who you are                   

Be in Nature      Alone      see “derive” (da reev)                      Sunset 8:30                        

Be Open   to the game changing                                                     Prep/Resp may precede Event

Be Playful and Joyful  Just Notice/Touch, perhaps Arrange Altars:“a sacred empty space that invites psyche”

Be Curious and Alert to accidents, coincidences messages. But do ask if these shiny objects, side trails

are in service of wisdom or a distraction

Expect/Invite Visitors via Needs, Dreams, memories, Old Clans, themes,       “Oh, you again”


2. Alone/Active         only slightly more self-aware/directing, but still alone

Just Note/List where care/ordering/attention/time/hiding ACTUALLY goes: (Diary)     

Ways in World: Social media profile, groups, family, How you ReOrder, Self-Soothe,

of Where you ARE: Eating? Buying Ways in World: Social media profile, groups, family,

How you balance Tech/Nature?  Your “Smokey Life”  range of reactions to profound disorder.

natural and cultural upheaval, Dismantling                                        Overwhelmed? Angry?

VIOs?   Stuffies    an attraction to an inanimate object: fetish,  talisman,        Why Important?

Who Shows Up?           Dreams             Repeated Patterns?     

Language.  Collect ORGANIC images, ideas and  words: cooking, foraging, ripening,

Notice and Be Alert to Technical and mechanical -based words, images and ideas

Be Wary of JARGON: words that isolate Altars, anima…Talk WITH not AT them  

Review NEEDS  contours   for Wonder (awe, Nature wiki/Derive   play mystery,“feeling in” )

for Dexterity (transforming, hand-spirit, Infinite Play), for Stories (how you fit into the world),

for the Organic/Sensual/The Feral/The Carnal  The Need to Belong, to Provide, to Dominate,to Submit

The Need to Lump and the Need to Split

Clans, NowRecognize, Find,  Tweak affiliation Disfiliation changes Ascribed earned

New and Old Who’s showing up, (Cameo Roles)  sticking in your Stories?  

Look at   Cave Drawings of people, tools, animals    See Etsy. Pintest algorithm  

Matterings/Projects  Trance-Catchers via Cards, Tools, altars“a sacred empty space that invites psyche”

Clues to speak to merging selves.  Witness Plurality   Practice Impermanence   What Else could these Be?   

 Try renaming/positioning objects?  “art dolls”  “fetishes” “stuffies”  “outsider art”

Use Empties   as Altars Buddha Board, jars, boxes,         (DollarStore)                     See what comes

MakeCards, Tools, Masks, Effigies (“dolls, puppets?”),    See Jenny Mack YouTubes

What do you need tools for? Protection, sorting, aggression honoring, awe inspiring, skills demo

Try Haiku   5-7-5 Nature-Now-Contrast                                                                words and objects!

Seek New Knowledge/ perspective  see list"A different language is a different vision of life"   Frederico Fellini


3. With Others   FIND Ways, Places, People TO  PRACTICE and MODEL over and Over….   

Role of Artist/Teacher as Steward of The Imagination         TRUST THE CAPACITY OF THE Other   

Just Ease discovery of preferences; collaborating/merging/blending w imagination;  

Model creative strategies to facilitate making; developing/modelling                        Ways to “Step Aside”

Help inflect exploring over exploiting; Responding to chance, accident to explore/experiment with degrees

of control, safety, merging, emerging    Learning to better engage, resonate, enliven                                                           

to listen to understand more, to get delighted                                 

Help Access  Deep Patterns of S’elf : Games, Giving, Getting, Organizing/Destroying

Play with Childen  3-4 yo Play/Dana VIO        Winona description                                      Images from albums
Maple seed insects,  sand Buddha’s

Games Trust the Players rules to be made up. Create pieces, cards, spinners but no rules  GamePieces “Points?  ”thorns?

Just enough Prep to indicate, resonate with deep idea of “game”  Game of Empties?  $5 at Dollar Store

Consider “Sonder “ when you realize everyone you see, pass by has their own complex life. 

like yours - with  similar heartache happiness, routines,- Honor the Ordinary           

Practice Gifting, adornment, costuming          Organic, intimate: like planting a seed

Develop playful persona to listen to: via puppets, masks, GameName (anagram)

Matterings/Projects   ”Place Such Objects  in your Home, Gift them to Others  “Collaborate”/Dissolve  Collect

Kits Select psyche-related, iconic shapes, materials S’paper, dwood  Just sand this.Stay with the Common: dirt, rust, smoke, fowers/grass  (pounding as Disorder) Outlining as Order

Share/LearnNew Knowledge, perspective Poems, Quotes What you’re discovering to be “true” .

Find “touchpoints”  for sharing  taoist-farmer-f12c   Process Art              Revgrafti                               



Notes from an earlier Version    Imaginal Toolmaking

Notes and FAQs on my 2 1/2 -hour introductory workshop

We are all makers.    Like beavers keep chewing, we humans have to make to stay alive. We make breakfast, time for visiting, our way; we make deals, we make up and we make trouble.  We make products, our living, our families, our peace; we make friends and enemies, this and that...

Every form of making works on several levels.   There's the "practical" level.  We make things that look like other things we have and use and seem to need: knives, forks, spoons, pots, chairs, benches, beds...

My interest as a researcher, is in the"imaginal" level of making.  What "else" does something do? What does a thing mean? Or what meanings are getting mattered by these things?  On this level, humans are the ways that certain energies get themselves into the world.  Because we "make", we are a part of a intricate process... not unlike how bees pollinate flowers and make honey and, and, and

Well, no matter.  I am a very practical maker and believe and trust and know that the imaginal level of making is always happening.

So what happens in an Imaginal Toolmaking Workshop??

We make lots of different tools, practical and imaginal.  We make a mallet. We might re-handle spoons and forks; we might re-sharpen metal into knives; ... and we learn more about just what tools do.   Tools help direct our attention and our physical energy for the tasks of living... Those screwdrivers, hammers, drills all have their purposes.... and so do the sticks tipped with shells and feathers.  Wands are just tools for collecting and directing energy.  Just a specialised form of a screwdriver... (maybe a screwdriver for the soul)

What Skills? What Activities?

selecting materials, cutting, shaping, sanding, drilling, joining

What's the take-away? well, a wooden mallet and several other tools or tool-like items of your choosing.

Is this really weird?    yes and no.  It depends on how weird you are or want to be. (And the word is spelled "wyrd"...look it up!).

Some people make the mallets, spoons and knives... others see the what the wands and small sculptures are all about.  Anyway, it's only two hours.  How bad can it be?

Show me the stuff!    OK      Here's Kim Vergil's work in March-April 2008

  The Hag                                       Bird Skull                                  Hatched