Reading today's reflections, I am really struck by all the messages around "serving".
How is serving different from reciprocity? as a fundamental living way.
I do a huge amount of this whatever we are calling it. But yet

I have trouble with the hieirarchical, imperialisttc and even religious valuation of service.  

The word volunteer is even more troubling for me.  

For me I see that so ofter Service has something of a merit mentality surrounding it.

The word is so often connected with a - get in - get out action
Then there is do-good service.

I am reminded of Thoreau - ie; when I see my neighbor coming to do me good, I run the other way.

In so many cultures humbleness is associated with thinking that something, someone is greater and inner radiance comes from deferring to the higher good and serving.  Beautiful - Yes - But this has also set up an giant systems of massive manipulation. So I question this Service when I encounter it.

One thing I do find, that one can meet the best people when out in the world engaging in  " ________________ ".
People who care beyond their 3 ft. personal boundary zone, who are aware and are are open to connect.

When there is a circle of energy and giving that comes back around, life is good.
It is pretty simple really what makes people feel happy and safe. And yet this is so rare.

With this i see that our sense of TIME needs a great adjustment
How we engage in actions and with what sense of time we live, rules the world.
The sense of service that I questioned above may contribute to our sense of time.
It may have to do with what limits us from sharing happiness.

As Woodlanders we come so close to getting it right in so many ways.

So much in the atmosphere about openness, creating and gifting, chance and acceptance...

But even still the creative people excel in creating and giving.

How do we get better at receiving ?

I have learned through teaching Tai Chi and in a few special art workshops with adult artists --- for most people
Giving comes so naturally.
Receiving is not so familiar

There is an interesting exercise I do that allows one to so purely experience thisA

Two people
A pitcher of water
two clear glasses. one is full, one is empty
Two people sit face to face, knees almost touching.
To begin - one pours water in to the others glass.
pause 5 seconds. One pours the water back.
This repeats for as long as desired.

Silently, without a word or even instruction, this has brought people to tears.

So underlying the service, there is a need in me for a matched understanding of reciprocity.

I wish to be plugged in. So that I both offer and receive what is needed.  Being balanced and in grace 
then I can hope for the flow to be natural.

This goes right to the delight I found that Riva's black circle drawing was two sided.
It gave me a great feeling of wholeness that this drawing had two sides.

The native people do not think of service. They think of relations.
I am leaning towards that.
Let's increase our good relations.
SO great being related with you Dan!

Oh, one more on your notes.

Missed seeing cracks.
joints... and what more you had to say about that.

That was a takeaway for me - + reminded me about the Ecuadorian QUechua flute playing - flute music is medicine -  to relax the joints.