Questions for My Ganglion Cyst

Oh little lump on my hand!

Are you made from air, water, fire or land?

Some say water, but you look like a hill

Who lives in there?
Germs, Fairies, Krill?

Have you made me disfigured, a freak, dying?

Or merely a freak, refigured and always dying?

Oh ganglion cyst!

Just how big will you grow?

Will I wake up one day

with five fingers and a toe?

Can you really, as some say:

"Just go away"

or do you find some other place to stay?

Are you the harmless cousin of the Big C ?

Or will I regret not taking you more seriously?

Are you something in me trying to get out?

Are you the next form of me?

Shall I decorate you and show you off?

Or wear very long sleeves and keep you hid?


This ganglion cyst disappeared two weeks after the poem was written.