Woodlanders 2017

2017 Woodlanders Gathering

Nature-Based Making/Meditations for Exploring

Self, Community, Nature      Schedule


at Dan Mack's Studio, 14 Welling Ave, Warwick, NY

and the adjacent 3 Pines Nature Place

July 28 and 29,  10am to 4pm

July 30, 10am  Closing at Rich Pillar's Forest

during the Warwick Summer Arts Festival

**** There are Evening Events both Nights  ****


AREAS to EXPLORE in Dan's Open Studio

Lightly Guided Encounters with chance, coincidence, accident and Unconscious Intelligence through fire, water, earth

air; talking, eating together, finding and making things.  MORE    Bring things to swap, share, shed..some work samples to show


DIVINATION   Scrying and Kapnomancy

Native Plant Divination with David Hughes


DERIVE  Wandering, Noting What’s Here? Now?  Select one thing to put on a block



   Community Tree Loom


LOOSE PARTS  mache, flooring, CD cases, [paint chip samples, laminate samples, extra tiles


MARKING    Collage on Cards, Caps, Accordion Books, Masks with flowers, berries, dirt, charcoal, inks, flame, rust, stone pigments, thumbprints, home-made brushes.  We did a Divination Deck


JOINING    natural and found materials using barks, yarn, wire, string, thread, floss (used and new)



COMING : Dave Wiener, Ginger Schmidt, Andrea Colman, Lizzie Colman, Cynthia Fletcher, Rich Pillar, Dan Mack, Nancy Krim, Trudy Moses, Laurie Seeman, Jim and Mary Caufield, David Hughes, Jen Rydell, Ali Davis.  Some have since taken on their Surreal Names: Amaranth M. Truly, Feathery Clinch, Corsula Eldan Mann and Limna DeKac