Daniel Mack

Rustic Furnishings

at Vastu 17 Main St, Warwick NY from November 5 through January


Artworks are often shown as single, momentary pieces. 

Some may have actually been made that way. But most are

made as part of a repetitive, perhaps meditative, practice.


This exhibit presents 2-D and 3-D work as footprints or traces

of an expressive, a meditative, or even a self-healing process.


From this perspective, all “mattering” is a spiritual process. 

We all have to matter into the world.  It’s the way we express

our many selves.  Some of us do it by buying and arranging

objects, by cooking meals, or repairing broken things. 


Humans have to Matter.  It’s as important, and as easy, as breathing.                                                                      

Five people -object-makers--reflected on this proces of making things again and again.

Marilyn Dale

Janet Fatta

Daniel Mack

Shirley Warren

Riva Weinstein.

"The creative process, so far as we are able to follow it at all, consists in the unconscious activation of an archetypal image and elaborating and shaping the image into the finished work. By giving it shape, the artist translates it into the language of the present and so makes it possible for us to find our way back to the deepest springs of life."  Carl Jung


more soon

We all make patterns--over and over. We have daily rituals of waking, eating, dressing