Daniel Mack

ANIMA 2015

The Anima are carvings from bark collectedalong the Hudson River. I've been doing them since 2004 as a balance to my rustic construction work. Now they, and a few other similar projects, are the center of my work. No more Construction.

October 2015

I making a few larger complex ones for an upcoming show, ODE to Earth.  This one has four bony, toothy ones in a cabinet. One has a Bird's Skull face


I still


Some are still outside, in the changing garden.... where they blend and weather.


I'm spending a lot off time in the studio rediscoverng boxes of these carvings I'd put away in 2008.  I'm re-working some, just admiring others. 

I've sent pictures of the off to the Seattle Erotic Art Fair for possible showing in April and I'm looking for a more permanent place to present them. And I'm starting to understand them a bit more. Their fragility, earthiness; their implied conversation with each other, and us.

Recent photos (Jan 2015):